PrimeNG vs Material Design: Which Frontend Development Framework is Better for UI Design?

May 23, 2022

PrimeNG vs Material Design: Which Frontend Development Framework is Better for UI Design?

Welcome, dear readers, to yet another comparison by the Flare Compare team! In this post, we'll be taking a look at two frontend development frameworks: PrimeNG and Material Design. We know that picking the right framework can be a daunting task, but that's why we are here to help you make an informed decision.


PrimeNG is a UI component library built for Angular. It boasts over 100 UI components, such as buttons, cards, dropdown menus, and more. It is built with performance in mind and optimizes the DOM updates to provide the best experience possible. PrimeNG also offers a theme designer, enabling you to customize the UI as per your requirements.


  • Faster rendering
  • Large component library
  • Theme designer
  • Responsive design


  • Lack of design consistency
  • Limited styling options

Material Design

Material Design is a design system developed by Google. It is a widely popular and well-documented system. Material Design follows a set of design guidelines and principles, which makes it easier to create consistent and visually appealing UIs. Material Design also has a large community of designers and developers.


  • Consistent design principles
  • Large community support
  • Comprehensive design documentation


  • Limited component library
  • Higher learning curve
  • May include unnecessary code


PrimeNG Material Design
Component Library 100+ Limited
Design Consistency Poor Good
Learning Curve Easy Difficult
Community Support Average Strong
Documentation And Guidelines Limited Comprehensive
Performance Good Average

As seen from the comparison table, both PrimeNG and Material Design have their strengths and weaknesses. PrimeNG has an extensive component library and faster rendering performance, while Material Design has comprehensive documentation and guidelines, as well as good design consistency.


So, which one is better? As always, the answer is: it depends. If you require a larger component library and faster rendering, go for PrimeNG. But if you need consistency in design and comprehensive documentation, Material Design is a better option.

We hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision about which frontend development framework to choose. Happy building!


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